
  • Project Management

    Got a busy project with lots of moving parts?

    Lucy loves the challenge of pulling together lots of different bits of information and stakeholders to make sure projects run smoothly, meet expectations and fit within the project‘s triple constraint.

    If you're looking for someone to do the hard yards, facilitate the process, and write the reports, Lucy is you woman.

  • Systems Reform

    Lucy is constantly challenging the ‘norm’ in her mission to solve persistent problems.

    While she has become an expert at working within the current systems, she is also a strong advocate for improving those systems to ensure better outcomes for all Australians.

    Lucy would love to help you look at how you can do things better by improving or reforming your systems or organisation.

  • Policy and Governance

    Writing policy, or organisational manuals or scrutinising governance practise needs a certain type of understanding, a certain type of language and a certain type of patience and Lucy has been well-schooled in all of this.

    If you need some policy or governance documents for your small business, not-for-profit or government department, leave this job to Lucy so you can get on with the important work you’re doing.

  • Evaluation and Reporting

    After graduating with a Research Masters in Bio-Medical Science, writing a thesis, publishing a couple of book chapters and peer-reviewed journal articles, research and evaluation are second nature to Lucy.

    Lucy has initiated, developed and managed numerous evaluations of community projects, programs and events using many different methodologies. Based on her experience, she has developed her own framework that is underpinned by a number of theories but has two key elements; ‘Data Validates’ and ‘Stories Captivate’. Her process has been shown to increase the understanding of the project process, the impacts and outcomes by capturing both data, and the stories of those involved. She has learned that applying the evidence-base is not enough, we need to understand how the evidence-base has been adapted and adopted by real people in real-world settings if we want to know the real societal impact of our work. Lucy can help you set up an evaluation framework or just do it all for you.

  • Community Consultation

    Need to understand what your community, stakeholders or staff think about an issue or project?

    Lucy loves talking to people, listening to what they say (yes, all of them) and pulling that information into an easily digestible format or report so you can move the issue forward.

  • Sport Leisure and Recreation Planning

    While Lucy wears lots of hats, her first love (and qualification) is in recreation planning.

    She’d love to talk with you about developing a plan that will see your organisations money best spent to support the sport and recreation needs of your community.


  • “We have now engaged the services of [Lucy] on a number of projects where we are seeking to deliver better health outcomes for our clients, volunteers and staff. These projects span across workplace health and wellbeing, smoking cessation and trauma grief and loss support for children. [Lucy and her team] have always been flexible, adaptable and sensitive to the mission and vision of our organisation. They have been able to connect us to new networks as our programs have pivoted to include more clinical services, as we respond to the increased complexity of issues our people are experiencing themselves or in their roles to support others. They offer us bespoke services that suit our needs, are based on evidence, and provide us with expertise and experience beyond our own resource whenever we need it”

    Stephen Brown, Chief Executive Officer, City Mission

  • “St.LukesHealth has employed the services of Lucy Byrne and Penny Terry for a number of our projects, primarily in helping to shape our Tasmanian Health Report. We found their knowledge, professionalism and expertise second to none, while being highly engaging and supportive. [They are] extremely passionate in helping to improve the social and economic health of the Tasmanian community and this was evident in the high quality of work that they delivered for us – their work is strongly aligned to St.LukesHealth’s motto of helping our members to “stay healthy, get well, live better and deliver peace of mind.”

    Paul Lupo, CEO, St.LukesHealth

  • “We have found [Lucy and her team] to be great listeners; they took the time to understand our service, our program and what we were hoping to achieve. They bring great strategic abilities with them, and high-level knowledge of the service environment including individuals, services, and funders, as well as the policy and governmental context.”

    Wayne Frost, former headspace Manager, Launceston/Devonport